This is the Video I had playing on the analogue TV I had in my exhibition. The music is 'Divine SHAKE IT UP" The music was an after thought but ended up being great entertainment. The volume levels are adjustable with an analogue slide so I thought it would be funny if people come up n touch the TV and have it pumping out some bangin' disco tune! I was originally going to go for classical but it's so not me. So yeah the video has been datamoshed thanks to the one stop datamosh video on youtube. If you just type into youtube HOW TO DATAMOSH it will all be there for you.
Datamoshing is when you fuck with the compression of two videos so that the pixels of one video move to the pixels of the other video. I thought this would be a good way to merge the body and architecture. If it wont come together naturally why not just mash itv up and make it come together in a weird pixelated way. The technique is only possible because of Digital technology which makes the presentation of it on an analogue TV ironic. I used an RF Modulator to convert the signals from the DVD player into the aerial of the television as that was the only input available. The TV itself was my aunt and uncles wedding present from when they got married like in the seventies or something!
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