I've been thinking of a way to tie in my video work and make a projection/video installation. The video is based on ideas of planetary motion.
There will be a large circular projection at the bottom of the room, like a plughole, black hole or vortex. Having a circular projection would be a development from previous third year work and it would give an interesting continuity to the moving image work I have created this year. The video would take on a form of “scratch video” using my own work and also some videos stolen from the Internet. Not only does a circular perspective imitate that of a lens it also challenges the boundaries of conventional rectangular projections.
The content of the work will be a series of videos relating to global concerns, natural phenomenon, pop culture, the mundane and technology old and new. The videos will appear rhythmically in bars of 4,8 and 16 beats at 130 b.p.m. The work relates to the shifting rhythm of the world and my perception of this therefore the speed of this movement will be associated with the music I listen to.
The moving images will not contain any digital “effects” filters; instead the work presented will be true to life or created by a digital or analogue glitch. The work consists primarily of the ocean; it will serve as a backbone to the work as the images will always go back to the sea. The world and the universe never stop; the motion of the ocean in particular, is relentless. The ocean is alive not only with its wild movements but also the mysterious creatures that live within it- most of whom are undiscovered or indefinable. When looking out to sea one cannot help but think of travel; an overwhelming sense of discovery, a natural curiosity as to what lies over the horizon. What does lie over the horizon? This is a massive transition period for everyone in fourth year, to present the ocean is a sign of optimism as change and discovery is on the horizon. The ocean is prehistoric, when humans dump rubbish in it or there is an oil spill it creates and forms a resistance and it keeps going strong. This is a fantastic metaphor for life.
Taken from my thoughts on the degree show and the proposal.
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