Here I am looking at other artists work in the gallery space to provoke inspiration for my degree show and how I will arrange the space.

This stuff is very much in grayscale but i admire the way it is presented. There is a sort of unfinished feel to it. As though the artist could walk in at any minute and start creating, I like this feeling of presence.The circular shapes are a nice collection :)

This is an artists statement that I find really interesting and intellectual. I would like my artist statement to be this interesting! It also encouraged me to read John Tyndall's publication Six Lectures on Light. Really interesting stuff in there and some really beautiful diagrams.

I experienced Haroon Mirzas work at the British Art Show 7 at The GOMA , it was really interesting work and I spent a lot of time with the installation trying to work out how it worked. There was obviously a lot of interest in it as well as the security guard got talking to us and started telling us secrets about the work. It wasn't the same as this piece above.
What interests me a lot about the above work is the circular projection onto the screen- it inspired me to think of different ways of presenting my own circular projection. It got me thinking about projecting my work onto an object as apposed to a wall

Such cool TVS! did they make their own frames?? something to think about if I am going to be showing work on screens- customised frames.

I love this triangular projection. Interesting use of space.

I've been thinking a lot about space, as i have been trying to visualise my "space" at the degree show and place my work into the space imagined. I was told about this really good website called and it is in fact REALLY good! All of the pictures above are from this website. I have been looking primarily at interesting ways of hanging and displaying work in the gallery space. I have also been reading peoples artists statements and descriptions of their work which are often thought provoking.
In the beginning I though that I would have a lot of text at the show, but now i'm thinking that I would like the spectator to take away with them as much as possible from the art so if that involves some explanation i'm totally fine with that now. In fact I am going to take as much time ove rthe text as I am the art work.