Monday, April 30, 2012
At first glance this may look like the activity of a child at nursery school, however, this is the elaborate master plan to transfer an image directly onto mirror.
1. Print your image on normal white computer paper.
2. Thickly apply oil pastel to the back of your image
3. Turn the image (image facing up, oil facing onto the mirror) over and Sellotape it to the mirror
4. Draw over your image and transfer the oil with the lines that you draw.
Then I used 2mm tape (Go faster stripes for a car bought on ebay) to map out the pattern. I then used the sand blaster to fog the mirror that wasn't covered with tape. When the tape is removed the mirror that wasn't sand blasted shines through.
A selection of images created in Motion (bottom 3) and then the top one is from After Effects.
After Effects has a Sphere effect that instantly makes it look like a planet and this image also has a colorama effect on it. The bottom 3 I did on Motion and I made the planets revolve (sort of) around the fire planet (symbolic of the sun).
I think I like the after effects planet better as I am only looking to create the illusion of one planet not tryin to recreate the solar system.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Monday, April 16, 2012
Robert Canali

Found some inspiring art work tonight by Robert Canali. His work is like wow, cool.
The idea of digesting the medium I am working with ie: film/photography and breaking it down into it's basic elements is something I find interesting visually and conceptually. This idea is present in Canalis work:
"Every Thing Gone comprises vintage prints, family photos, snaps shots
and “art” photographs, collaborating in an interchangeable narrative.
This is not a delineation of genres but a selection of the types of
photographs that exist within the medium itself. "
It can also be seen in his use of; primary colours, colour film, light and mirrors.
-colour - rgb/cmyk
-mirror - all present in the medium of photography.
I think his work is interesting because it mixes the genres of photography elegantly and not intrusively or in a way that makes the images clash. There is enough continuity to bring them together as a body of work. He has made an interesting use of space by using mirrors to create optical tricks and compositions.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Yay my website is live - it's not great but i'll learn how to make it awesome soon enough! Just glad I finally have it live!!

Did some photos of mole constellations, wouldn't normally invert a photo but I think in this instance it really works. Wonder if you can invert stuff in the dark room, that'd be cool to shoot on film then print them inverted. Inverted makes it look instantly spacey.
When I first looked on google images for mole constealltions I seen everything I thought I would - people drawing lines between moles, arsey black and white photos of moles and I thought meh it's all been done before but i've managed to make something quite different of it so I'm happy with that.
It is the hidden camera that often exposes the person so the roles are now reversed- expose the camera instead of the person.
After listening to Olafur Elliason talking about his work on I felt really inspired by the idea of "seeing yourself seeing".
The mirror is there to resemble the image that the camera might be picking up. I think I would either not show the image that the camera is picking up or I would show it in another part of the building. There is this instant misconception because of the mirror you sort of forget about what the camera is seeing.
However, I think it could be interesting not to show what information the camera is picking up as this may make people think about how often their image is captured by a camera but they never see the footage. There would probably be an element of frustration about this but I think that makes it more interesting.
I thought what's the point of involving hidden cameras when that's something I find quite horrible about day to day life. I don't like the connotations of spying on people and I don't think that I want to make people feel uncomfortable at the thought of this so I would rather they know they are being watched by a camera but maybe they will never see what is see's only what they are seeing.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Sunday, April 8, 2012
1. College- My Secret Romance
2. Jimmy Ross-First True Love Affair (Larry Levan Mix)
3. Glass Candy - Beautiful Object
4. Kano - It's a War (Bonus)
5. Polyester - Concierge d"Armour (Rory Phillips Remix)
6.Rory Phillips - Solar Breakfast
7.Maya Jane Coles- Nowhere
8. Girl Unit - Temple Keys
9. Talking Heads- Burning Down The House
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

This post isn't about failed gigs it's actually about Neon. As I was going to Aberdeen Royal Infirmary on Monday we drove past a Neon shop with a very welcoming sign... "your name in lights- any neon you want- we'll bend it". I invested a lot of time last week into glass bending, enchanted by the process yet deep down in my head thinking- is this the best use of my time? Is it? I don't know. I have mixed influences as one tutor seems very encouraging and another said to me exactly what I explained in my story - when something isn't going to work the way in which you thought it was then maybe you should should just accept this and not do it. The best thing I can do is follow my instincts so I'm going to go to this shop tomorrow and see what they say. I think a lot of doubt lies in that I am uncertain about the materials I am using. The biggest concern being- even if I do manage to bend the glass will they be able to fill it with neon! If I do decide to make a 3D sculpture out of the glass bends is that just a poor compromise and a sign of failure. The answers will come in time.
I'm working at the Aberdeen Arts Center this week assisting a children's animation class, it's time consuming so I havn't got much done this week- that and the mole thing. Biggest disappointment about getting a mole removed was that I didn't get to look at it through a big microscope! They do that in a laboratory. My mole, alone in the laboratory....or maybe it's with other moles.....digression. form. point. Oh yes. Even though I haven't been hard at work in the studio, it certainly has been time to reflect on my priorities.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

I've been editing some of the images I was working with at the Pre Degree show. I was doing this to send them off with my RSA application for the Florence Scholarship and I have found myself to be rather pleased with the results.
The images look quite haunting as the parts of the figures come into the light and the rest of the body is drowned in darkness. There is an unnatural exaggeration between light and dark which makes them look like godly figures and strangely religious as they look down on the viewer.
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