Found some inspiring art work tonight by Robert Canali. His work is like wow, cool.
The idea of digesting the medium I am working with ie: film/photography and breaking it down into it's basic elements is something I find interesting visually and conceptually. This idea is present in Canalis work:
"Every Thing Gone comprises vintage prints, family photos, snaps shots
and “art” photographs, collaborating in an interchangeable narrative.
This is not a delineation of genres but a selection of the types of
photographs that exist within the medium itself. "
It can also be seen in his use of; primary colours, colour film, light and mirrors.
-colour - rgb/cmyk
-mirror - all present in the medium of photography.
I think his work is interesting because it mixes the genres of photography elegantly and not intrusively or in a way that makes the images clash. There is enough continuity to bring them together as a body of work. He has made an interesting use of space by using mirrors to create optical tricks and compositions.
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